
Peace be with you

I am going to make the case that the human being only feels two emotions – love and fear. Every other emotion one thinks they feel are just subsets of love and fear. Because both love and fear effect our actions and thought, those trying to manipulate our actions play on those two emotions to the point of seemingly irreparable catastrophe.

Affection, compassion, happiness, empathy, curiosity, euphoria, gratitude, hope, and wonder all are waters of the love well. These sub-love emotions are all heightened when you are in love. These are what are called “good emotions.” To create these good emotions all one has to do is love. If you love a puppy that puppy will fill you with affection, compassion, happiness, empathy, curiosity, euphoria, gratitude, hope, and wonder.

The sub-fear emotions like, jealousy, disgust, remorse, shame, worry, contempt, sadness, apathy, and hatred, are all the products of fear. No one wants to feel these “bad emotions,” but they are a natural yen to loves yang. Without fear we would have never survived as a species. It could also be said, that with too much fear we wouldn’t of survived either.

Spin doctors, and other nefarious types of doctors, play on these two emotions to control you. They play on them with logic. If the pretty girl truly loves the pretty guy on the commercial, then it is only logical that if I bought that same product I too would find a pretty girl to love me. Or perhaps, if I don’t buy that product logic tells me I’ll have something to fear. People who are taught hard sales learn to play on your fear, and love.

The problem with these manipulations is they are also felt. If your heart doesn’t feel the love or fear that your logic is telling you is real, you create a conflict between your head and your heart. This is easiest to see when other people are involved. There are those who tell you to be afraid of this type of person or that type, but then if you already know people of that type of person or you meet them and you realize there is nothing to fear. People of color, people of different religions, the poor, social activists, and on and on. One person can be scared to death of someone, while someone else is madly in love with them.

When I feel an emotion raise up in me, I ask myself, “what am I afraid of, or what am I in love with.” When one realizes what they are afraid of they can direct their attention on that, and not get side tracked on the sub-emotions. If I was afraid of being lonely, and spent my time dwelling on the loneliness I felt, then I would develop a state of depression. If I spent my time dealing with the fear of being lonely then I would do things to eliminate that fear.

By recognizing the fear underlying the emotion I find myself better served. If I feel anxiety I think, “what fear is causing it?”. Sometimes, at least at this point in my life, I realize that maybe it’s the thirty pigs arriving that set my spider senses off, and cops scare me. Other times I realize it is a fear of having to deal with an unshakable rhetorician, and I relax and the anxiety goes away. If I then start feeling empathy (love) for the rhetorician, I will rebuke their rhetoric, and tell them the truth. I guess I should mention that I find it extremely difficult to lower my anxiety around thirty cops no matter how hard I try to love them, but I at least I can suppress it enough to stand up for myself.

Envision dualism as a scale with the pure on both ends, and a mixture in between. For instance my body is right around 100 degrees Fahrenheit. It could be cold like absolute zero (-460 degrees), or hot like our sun (11,000 degrees), but it’s not. It is neither hot nor cold, it is what it is. Likewise no body can feel both pure fear, and pure love at the same time. When the water is coming out of the pipes too hot you add cold water to bring it more towards the cold side of the scale, and when you are feeling too much fear, try adding some love and see if it doesn’t start back towards the love side of the scale. This was the purpose of Jesus telling us to love our enemies.

Only when we recognize the amount of love we put into our lives can we become immune to the fear that is sold to us as the truth. Jesus said in the Book of Thomas, “he who has not known himself has known nothing, but he who has known himself has at the same time already achieved knowledge about the depth of the all.” Your heart recognizes love or fear – the perfect bullshit meter. If your heart and brain are always in sync then you are living a fantastic life, if not, then problems start to develop. It really does you no good to say, “you made me angry,” when it is your own fear that is at fault.

love etenal

13 Responses to “Emotions”

  1. suzy blah blah Says:

    Thanx for the clear analysis. Your interpretation and explanation is helpful.

    You hold the key to love and fear
    All in your trembling hand
    Just one key unlocks them both
    It’s there at your command

    30 pigs, yikes!

  2. Nicholas Says:

    Tad, you hurt people. You talk about love and peace but you’re destructive to people, you focus on everything that’s wrong with them rather than the good things about them. You disavow their potential greatness. You have a worms eye view of the world and I understand how you can have that view but I on the other hand have a birds eye view. People have greatness, beauty, truth, love, and light within them. Its a matter of showing people they possess those qualities and that they have the power to express them. Want to change the world Tad, then express the greatest qualities you possess and those around you will begin to do likewise. You don’t like yourself much, a common problem with people in society. I’m not talking about the egoistic pomposity of arrogance that most people have. I’m talking about a true and deep love of who you are not just as a human being but as a soul on an extraordinary journey through existence. Lift your eyes to the sky Tad, and learn to fly.

  3. Mr. Nice Says:

    The only useful emotion is hate. Love is just lack of hate. Friends are just people who don’t hate each other all the time. Lovers are just folks who have learned to get deal with their hatred of each other.

    Anger is a useless emotion most of the time. If you are running for your life and need a little anger to get through it, then anger is good. 99% of the time, people are self-destructively angry, they are at war with themselves.

    Anger should not be confused with hate. My blood pressure can be like a meditating monk and still hate your ass. People who get mad are internally fighting their hate, they want to force people and things to change so they don’t have to hate those people and things. Accepting your own hate is the road to being nice. Even if I hate you I can still shake your hand, that’s character.

  4. moviedad Says:

    I think you’re a little confused. What you’re describing is duplicity, presentation of a false-self and an unhealthy interior dialogue. I mean no offense, but if you’re shaking hands with people you still consciously ‘hate’, then that’s just plain hypocrisy.

  5. Lumpy Says:

    Dude, you sound way stoned.

  6. Lumpy Says:

    The above comment is towards Tad, not any of you other commenters. Moviedad makes a lot of sense.

  7. Hopeful Says:

    A bit late on this one, but in response to Mr. Nice, I believe anger is pain that someone doesn’t know how to channel in a constructive way. When people are afraid and/or hurting, it’s easier to pump up the adrenaline and get angry, then actually admit that you’re scared, or feel the pain.

  8. Mr. Nice Says:

    A bit late on this one, but in response to Mr. Nice, I believe anger is pain that someone doesn’t know how to channel in a constructive way. When people are afraid and/or hurting, it’s easier to pump up the adrenaline and get angry, then actually admit that you’re scared, or feel the pain.

    Anger is weakness. Everybody hates. Angry folks have difficulty accepting hate.

    Hate is a constrant. Hatred is a primal instinct. Hate helps us survive. The epitome of animal disdain is human hatred. Using hate for “good” is the key.

    I hate your existence yet am not angry with you. They are unrelated.

  9. Terrence McNally Says:

    I hate your limp dicked anonymity.

  10. Hopeful Says:

    I have to disagree… hate is deconstructive. Why hate for any reason? And I apologize for misreading your earlier post.

    Hate doesn’t help us survive, it’s the main reason people die. People don’t create, or kill food because they hate, they do it because they know and respect what it does. That is the primal instinct. Eat, drink, reproduce. Hate has no role in that. Logic and insecurities do. Hate is like a black hole, while love is an overflowing vessel. Hate sucks everything in for self gratification and negative selfishness. Love pours out and gives to others.

    I think the Key isn’t using hate for good, it’s finding self love and projecting that onto any circumstance you come across. Admittedly, I’m not perfect at it, but I do think it’s the best answer.

    Hating my existence isn’t doing anything for anyone but yourself. I love my existence, and am not angry at you for hating it. All hating does is fulfill some superfluous void within yourself to justify the things that you know aren’t healthy or productive for anyone. It’s using hormones and self-loathing as an excuse to not do right by others or yourself. ❤

  11. Hopeful Says:

    As an addendum, I meant logic and insecurities have a role in the hate that come with those things. 🙂

  12. Mr. Nice Says:

    I have to disagree… hate is deconstructive. Why hate for any reason?

    Hold up. Cultivate hate. Hate for everybody. Equal opportunity hate.

    People focus their hate too much. They pick something to hate and then they think love some other shit. Everything and everybody deserves to be hated. No reason to hate is every reason to hate.

    People don’t create, or kill food because they hate, they do it because they know and respect what it does.

    Them corn plants would hate if they were capable of it.

    Hate sucks everything in for self gratification and negative selfishness. Love pours out and gives to others.

    Naw, hate leads to getting what you want. People give more when they are focused on hating that someone doesn’t have something. Altruism is an illusion.

    I love my existence, and am not angry at you for hating it. All hating does is fulfill some superfluous void within yourself to justify the things that you know aren’t healthy or productive for anyone. It’s using hormones and self-loathing as an excuse to not do right by others or yourself.

    I see you are hating on my hating. I don’t mean people who focus all their hate on themselves. When people hate themselves too much they think they love the way someone else is and want to be like that. They are angry with themselves, their race, their deeds. Save some of that. Plenty of hate to spread around.

    We know our brains dose us with oxytocin. That’s “love.”

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